Hora 14Hora 14

Telegrama para Hillary Clinton

Mensaje a la aspirante a candidata a la Presidencia de los EEUU.

Telegrama para Hillary Clinton

Telegrama para Hillary Clinton



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Señora aspirante a la candidatura por el partido Demócrata a las elecciones presidenciales de Estados Unidos de 2016, su decisión de concurrir a las primarias levanta muchas expectativas y coincide con la aparición de los dos primeros volúmenes de sus memorias.

(FILES) This September 5, 2014 file photo shows former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as she delivers a speech during a conference at the National Auditorium in Mexico City. Hillary Clinton launched her bid April 12, 2015 to become the first woman

(FILES) This September 5, 2014 file photo shows former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as she delivers a speech during a conference at the National Auditorium in Mexico City. Hillary Clinton launched her bid April 12, 2015 to become the first woman / RONALDO SCHEMIDT

(FILES) This September 5, 2014 file photo shows former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as she delivers a speech during a conference at the National Auditorium in Mexico City. Hillary Clinton launched her bid April 12, 2015 to become the first woman

(FILES) This September 5, 2014 file photo shows former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as she delivers a speech during a conference at the National Auditorium in Mexico City. Hillary Clinton launched her bid April 12, 2015 to become the first woman / RONALDO SCHEMIDT

Son 1.200 páginas bajo el título de Hard Choices. Al dar cuenta de sus tareas como secretaria de Estado repasa las opciones difíciles a que hubo de enfrentarse entre las convicciones y las responsabilidades, es decir, la generación de consecuencias indeseables. ¿Respetará lo mejor del legado de Obama?. Veremos.

  • Cadena SER

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Hoy por Hoy

Àngels Barceló


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